So i'm hung over after power spewing on the Standard's astro turf, driving on the 'wrong' side of the right lane down Sunset blvd, navigating with 2 melting muppets (one which my sister married), a hand drawn map and foggy memory of freeway directions... i look up to the left... amongst all the colour and neon sprawled across that street, out pops this image. CK does it again. Taking on those sensitive American censors in the name of fashion. I guess if you're spending that much budget in a recession on a billboard at such a space, you need to stand out! and this is the exact reason i Love CK. You have to push boundaries to get things done sometimes, rule is keep it classy.
So then i get back to my laptop to melt quietly by myself, start googling some stuff to check out more of the denim campaign and find the below link on youtube...
Watch It...
hmmm maybe this was pushing boundaries a little too far hence being banned some time in the 90's and pulled from air. Have a look for yourself... i get the Warhol inspiration part, but this is a little too creepy and child porn like...and that was the end to my hung day- weird.
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